New Agent Fast Start - Full Course Catalog
Below you will see a full list of the Fast Start Series curriculum that is available to you. The great news is that you can take these classes live in eXp World or you can watch them on demand in Workplace.
Print out this checklist to make sure you hit all of the trainings
Click on the button below to access the full training catalog with detailed course descriptions, links to watch classes, and the slides.
Fast Start 101- Navigating the eXp Roadmap
Navigating the eXp RoadMap is your guide to getting the most out of eXp Realty! This course will provide a RoadMap to the platforms, tools and services our agents have at their disposal. In this 60 minute course, you will learn first hand from our eXp University Instructor how to navigate the many tools provided by eXp to help you work more effectively and efficiently! Hosted by Candice Garcia
Join live on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday
8 a.m. PST, 11 a.m. EST in the FastStart Auditorium of the World
Click here for the slideshow link
Fast Start 102 - Setting up your eXp Business
Setting Up Your eXp Business is your step-by-step guide to completing your eXp Profiles. This course will cover setting up your eXp profiles in our eXp Realty Platforms as we walk you through our “New Agent Checklist”. In this 60 minute course, you will learn first hand from our eXp University Instructor what you need to set up your eXp business today! Hosted by Candice Garcia
Join live Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday
9 a.m. PST, 12 p.m. EST in the Fast Start Auditorium of the World
Click here for the slideshow link
How to find the eXp World Fast Start Auditorium
Sign in to eXp World
Once signed in, click on the "GoTo" button in the top left hand corner of your screen.
Then about half-way down the drop down list you will see "eXp University" hover over it and a second drop down will appear for you.
Click on the "FastStart Auditorium
Fast Start 103 - Connect Program Overview
The Connect Program Overview is your introduction to eXp’s Connect Program for all new agents. This course will cover how your personal eXp Connect Concierge will be able to assist you for your first 365 days at eXp Realty. In this 60 minute class, you will learn first hand from our eXp Staff Instructor how your Concierge can help you navigate eXp Realty! Hosted by Shane Turner - eXp Connect
Join live Tuesday, weekly
11 a.m. PST, 2 p.m. EST in the FastStart Auditorium of the World
Click here for the slideshow link
Fast Start 104 - eXpand Program Overview
The Mentor Program Overview is your introduction to eXp Realty's mentor program designed exclusively for our agents that are new to selling Real Estate. This course will cover (topic 1, topic 2, topic 3 from slide deck) as well as provide strategies to help you get the most from the program. In this 60 minute class, you will learn first hand from our eXp Staff Instructor how to leverage the brokerage, your mentor and this program to maximize your success! Hosted by Ryan Winger
Join live Tuesday, weekly
1 p.m. PST, 4 p.m. EST in the FastStart Auditorium of the World
Click here for the slideshow link
Fast Start 105 - Workplace as a Mobile Office
Workplace as a Mobile Office is your guide to setting up and utilizing eXp’s Workplace. This course will cover getting to know your profile, groups to follow and customizing your News Feed. In this 60 minute class, you will learn first hand from our eXp University Instructor how to set up Workplace as your office on-the go! Hosted by Candice Garcia
Join live Wednesday, bimonthly
11 a.m. PST, 2 p.m. EST in the FastStart Auditorium of the World
Click here for the slideshow link
Fast Start 106 - Real Estate Fundamentals
Real Estate Fundamentals is your overview of the key concepts that will serve as the foundation for your real estate business. This course will cover Real Estate Marketing, Sales and Operations as well as provide strategies and tactics that you can implement immediately. In this 60 minute course, you will learn first hand from our licensed eXp Agent Instructor what you need to know to launch your business right now! Hosted by Kirtus Dixon
Join live Monday, bimonthly
11 a.m. PST, 2 p.m. EST in the FastStart Auditorium of the World
Fast Start 107 - Real Estate Business Planning
Real Estate Business Planning is your overview of the key concepts that will serve as the foundation for your real estate business plan. This course will cover crafting your vision, setting your goals, identifying and planning your key activities as well as provide strategies and tactics that you can implement immediately. In this 60 minute course, you will learn first hand from our licensed eXp Agent Instructor what you need to know to launch your business right now! Hosted by Kirtus Dixon
Join live Monday, bimonthly
12 p.m. PST, 3 p.m. EST in the FastStart Auditorium of the World
Click here for the slideshow link
Fast Start 108 - Lead Generation Fundamentals
Lead Generation Fundamentals is your overview of the key concepts that will serve as the foundation for building a lead generation plan for your real estate business. This course will cover the fundamentals of Lead Generation including maintaining the right mindset, targeting the right types of leads and building your skill set as well as provide strategies and tactics that you can implement immediately. In this 60 minute course, you will learn first hand from our licensed eXp Agent Instructor what you need to know to launch your lead generation plan right now!
Join live Thursday, bimonthly
11 a.m. PST, 2 p.m. EST in the FastStart Auditorium of the World
Click here for the slideshow link
Fast Start 109 - Lead Conversion Fundamentals
Lead Conversion Fundamentals is your overview of the key concepts that will serve as the foundation for executing your lead generation plan for your real estate business. This course will cover the fundamentals of Lead Conversion including building relationships, qualifying leads and setting appointments as well as provide strategies and tactics that you can implement immediately. In this 60 minute course, you will learn first hand from our licensed eXp Agent Instructor what you need to know to start converting leads right now!
Join live Thursday, bimonthly
12 p.m. PST, 3 p.m. EST in the FastStart Auditorium of the World
Click here for the slideshow link
Fast Start 110 - Database Management Fundamentals
Database Management Fundamentals is your overview of the key concepts that will serve as your foundation for building and leveraging your real estate database. This course will cover the difference between your database and CRM, fundamentals of managing profile records, statuses and tagging as well as strategies and tactics you can implement immediately. In this 60 minute course, you will learn what you need to know to get started on the right foot with managing your real estate database right now!
Join live Monday, bimonthly
11 a.m. PST, 2 p.m. EST in the FastStart Auditorium of the World
Click here for the slideshow link
Fast Start 111- Sales Fundamentals
Sales Fundamentals is an overview of the process of converting leads to clients. This course will cover methods for engaging leads, how to build trust, add value and make yourself the first person people think of when they have real estate questions or needs. In this 60 minute course, you will learn what you need to know to take action with every potential client!
Join live Monday, bimonthly
12 p.m. PST, 3 p.m. EST in the FastStart Auditorium of the World
Click here for the slideshow link
Fast Start 112 - Working with Buyers
Working with Buyers is an introduction to the specifics of working with people who have dreams of home ownership. This course will help you understand different types of buyers, help them get a clear picture of the buying process, and move them from being “lookers” to “owners.” In this 60 minute course, you will learn what to expect and how to manage the buying process!
Join live Thursday, bimonthly
11 a.m. PST, 2 p.m. EST in the FastStart Auditorium of the World
Click here for the slideshow link
Fast Start 113 - Working with Sellers
Working with Sellers is an introduction to the specifics of working with people who need to sell what is likely their largest investment--their home. This course will help you understand how to earn the trust of sellers, learn their motivations for moving and set their expectations for the selling process. In this 60 minute course, you will learn concepts for gaining the confidence of sellers to get properties listed!
Join live Thursday, bimonthly
12 p.m. PST, 3 p.m. EST in the FastStart Auditorium of the World
Click here for the slideshow link
Fast Start 114 - Workplace as a Business Tool
Workplace as a Business Tool is your guide to utilizing Workplace Groups. This course will cover getting to know Workplace groups, creating a group and groups to follow. In this 60 minute class, you will learn first hand from our eXp University Instructor how to use Workplace groups as a tool to improve your real estate business!
Join live Wednesday, bimonthly
11 a.m. PST, 2 p.m. EST in the FastStart Auditorium of the World